Senior Pet Care in Cape Canaveral, FL

Caring for an elderly pet takes a little more attention than you might think since their health changes as our beloved furry family members age, but luckily thanks to better care, your pet can live longer now than they ever have before, you just need extra care and attention. Not all pets age the same, what is certain is that they all get old at some point, this does not mean your animal’s life can't be full of fun. Our veterinarian at Ocean Animal Hospital in Cape Canaveral can help you learn what changes you can make now to help increase the quality of your senior pet's life!

Is My Pet a Senior?

A medium-sized dog is deemed by the American Veterinary Medical Association to be elderly at the age of seven years. Ten years is approximately equal to 58 human years for a dog; however, that is equivalent to 66-78 years for a big dog.

The first is changes due to age, such as hearing loss, visual changes, or decreased activity. These are natural and are not preventable. A pathological shift or disorder like heart disease, kidney disease, arthritis, or dental disease is the second type. Not all potential changes in your senior pet will be quite as obvious but with a thorough review, a pet senior health vet in Cape Canaveral will help detect any underlying problems. Diseases as periodontal disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stomach complications, liver disease, cancer, heart diseases, and kidney failure, are some of which senior pets have an elevated risk of experiencing problems.


The symptoms you can see can vary with the illness or issue affecting your pet, and with more than one issue, several signs can be seen. As the owner of the pet, you should give useful information to your veterinarian that can help them decide what is going on with your pet.

Senior pets can develop many of the same problems seen in older people, such as:

  • Liver Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Joint Or Bone Disease
  • Senility
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Kidney/Urinary Tract Disease

It is common to assume signs such as decreased appetite, Increased water consumption, Increased agitation or irritability, changes in bowel movements or urination might be a normal part of the aging process; however, these symptoms usually indicate that there’s a age-related disease.

Regular veterinary examinations to ensure your pet stays healthy.

As our pets get older, they are going to need more veterinary care. Just like us, they go to the doctor more often. When they feel unwell, pets will not tell us, that’s the reason routine check-ups at least twice a year are important for any elderly pet. With age, the risk of illness rises, so early detection is the key to prevention. This will give your vet a chance to figure if anything is wrong at the beginning and provide the best possible treatment for your dog.

One way to enhance the quality of your pet's life is via outstanding veterinary care. That's why it's so important to have the right senior pet care. To give your senior pet the healthcare they deserve, get in touch with your veterinarian today.

Give us a call if you need further assistance with your pets (321) 406-1618 our veterinarians are always available to support you.