Flea Prevention in Cape Canaveral, FL.

Fleas are particularly prevalent during the summer months. Fleas itch and make pets nervous, and as a pet owner, you want to prevent fleas from annoying your pet and infiltrating your home. Those annoying insects are no fun for your pets, who can bite and claw themselves to death trying to get rid of them. Here is some knowledge that may be of assistance to you!


Fleas are tiny parasitic insects that live on pets' coats and skin. They can jump a long distance, making it difficult to prevent flea transmission between your pets. Those jumping abilities also allow them to easily transition from their surroundings to your pet.


Scratching, biting at the fur, and possibly large patches of irritated skin all point to fleas. Itching is one of the first indications of a flea infestation in your pet. If you have examined your pet's coat, you will most likely notice one or more fleas moving around on the skin's surface. You may also notice tiny black particles that resemble dirt and are likely flea droppings.


Fleas are the leading cause of skin disease in pets, causing everything from itchiness to infections. Also, because some pets may be allergic to flea bites (a condition known as Flea Allergy Dermatitis), a single bite can trigger an auto-immune reaction, and all skin conditions should be treated by a veterinarian.


You should know that there are different ways a flea can present itself, such as:

Eggs – one flea can lay 30 eggs per day, which can drop off into carpets and bedding even before hatching.

Larvae –  the eggs release larvae that feed on organic debris and at this stage can consume tapeworm eggs, allowing them to become an intermediate host for the development of tapeworms.

Adult Fleas – jump onto your dog or cat, feed on their blood, and then start laying eggs.


If you have a long-haired pet, pests can hide there more easily; consider having your pet shaved or trimmed a little bit for the summer; this will make it easier to spot problems.


It is critical that you select the appropriate treatment for your pet and follow the instructions, which should be based on their breed or species as well as the size of your pet. Furthermore, you must learn how to properly administer the treatment and continue it for as long as your pet requires it.


A veterinarian is your most helpful partner in caring for your pet's health. At Ocean Animal Hospital, we will be able to provide you with useful information on any flea problems you may be experiencing, such as spotting them, dealing with them, and preventing further infestations. If your pet is scratching or has skin damage, it is best to have them checked by a vet. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions that you may have, we will assist you in choosing the product most suitable for your pet.